July 9, 2024 Work Session Meeting Minutes
July 10, 2024
7:00 P.M, TUESDAY, JULY 9th, 2024
Paul Schmit, Presiding Officer
Jim Scott, Vice President
Sandy Owens, Secretary/Treasurer-Board of Education
Lisa Linville
Cody Backer
Lucas Miller
Daryl Schrunk, Superintendent of Schools
The work session meeting of the Randolph Board of Education was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Paul Schmit on July 9th, 2024, with the following present: Members: Paul Schmit, Sandy Owens, Jim Scott, Cody Backer, Lisa Linville, Lucas Miller, Superintendent Daryl Schrunk, Principal Brandi Bartels, Principal Denton Beacom and Tiffany Kalin recording secretary.
Paul Schmit announced and informed the public that a current copy of the open meetings act is posted in the boardroom.
Motion was made by Backer and seconded by Miller to hereby determine that this meeting was preceded by published notice in the July 3rd, 2024, Randolph Times and is hereby duly convened in open session. On roll call vote motion carried 6-0.
Everyone joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Mr. Schrunk did a prior meeting review of the facility needs. Along with Scott Kralik and Mike Kalb (BD Construction) and Tobin Buchanan (Northland Securities), Mr. Schrunk gave an overview of the updated project options, cost estimates and financial information. The board and the steering committee broke out into groups to have discussion on the pros and cons of the project as presented. Each group shared their thoughts with the whole group.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
I, the undersigned, acting as the Recording Secretary of the Randolph Board of Education, Randolph, Nebraska, hereby certify that the attached and foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of a work session meeting of the Randolph Board of Education, held in open session at Randolph, Nebraska on the 9th day of July 2024 which meeting was preceded by published notice.
Respectfully Submitted
Tiffany Kalin
Recording Secretary
President_______________________ Date____________________
Secretary________________________ Date____________________