March 11, 2024 School Board Meeting Minutes
March 12, 2024
8:00 P.M, MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2024
Paul Schmit, Presiding Officer
Jim Scott, Vice President
Sandy Owens, Secretary/Treasurer-Board of Education
Lisa Linville
Cody Backer
Lucas Miller
Superintendent of Schools
Daryl Schrunk
The regular meeting of the Randolph Board of Education was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Paul Schmit on March 11th, 2024, with the following present; Members: Paul Schmit, Sandy Owens, Jim Scott, Lisa Linville, Lucas Miller, Superintendent Schrunk, Principal Beacom, Principal Bartels and Tiffany Kalin recording secretary.
Paul Schmit announced and informed the public that a current copy of the open meetings act is posted in the boardroom.
Motion was made by Miller and seconded by Owens to hereby determine that this meeting was preceded by published notice in the February 14th, 2024, Randolph Times and is hereby duly convened in open session. On roll call vote motion carried 5-0.
Everyone joined in the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Motion was made by Linville and seconded by Scott to excuse absent board member Cody Backer. On roll call vote motion carried 5-0.
Motion was made by Miller and seconded by Linville to approve the regular meeting minutes of February 6th, 2024, the special board minutes of February 19th, 2024 and the board work session minutes of February 26th, 2024. On roll call vote motion carried 5-0.
Motion was made by Miller and seconded by Schmit to approve the March 2024 claims. On roll call vote motion carried 5-0.
Schmit recognized patrons in attendance.
Kimberly Castellano and Dr Matt Sorensen zoomed in from Children’s Nebraska to present Randolph Elementary School and Randolph High School as a Heart Safe School through Project ADAM.
Jack Moles, Executive Director of NRCSA attended the meeting to review their partnership with rural school districts. Cardinal Cam members at the meeting shared with the board the process of the job of making bottle openers which were purchased by NRCSA to use as gifts to give at their state conference.
Mrs. Bartels spoke to the board about Student Learning. She shared data with the board from fall and winter MAPS and NSCAS testing.
The board reviewed and discussed the facility audit and decided on the next steps to move forward.
Motion was made by Miller and seconded by Linville to approve the purchase of a minivan. On roll call vote motion carried 5-0.
K-6 Principal Beacom, 7-12 Principal Bartels and Superintendent Schrunk gave their monthly reports to the board.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:08 p.m.
Notice is hereby given that the next regular board meeting of the Randolph Board of Education will be Monday, April 8th, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the high school boardroom and is open to the public. An agenda is kept continually current and is available for public inspection in the Superintendent’s Office during regular office hours.
I, the undersigned, the duly qualified and acting Recording Secretary of the Randolph Board of Education, Randolph, Nebraska, hereby certify that the attached and foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of a meeting of the Randolph Board of Education, held in open session at Randolph, Nebraska on the 11th day of March 2024 which meeting was preceded by published notice.
Respectfully Submitted
Tiffany Kalin
Recording Secretary
President_______________________ Date____________________
Secretary________________________ Date____________________